Friday, January 26, 2007

For $15 grand you get.... a coffee stained piece of paper?

Some fool on eBay is selling a coffee stained piece of paper for $15,000, claiming that I "miraculously" put my image in it. They think I am showing my face in "this time of need." Need for what?? More coffee? Why would I make an image out of myself in coffee? And that doesn't even LOOK like me. Someone explian to me why I would want to make an image out of a coffee stain and not have it resemble my classic handsome features and ripped, muscular physique. But I will tell you one thing. If I hear of some other douche wiping their ass, and claiming a shit stain on a piece of toilet paper looks like me, that will be the last straw. When you see "The Shit Stain Jesus Miracle" on eBay, prepare for the Apocalypse.

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