Monday, January 29, 2007

I Can't Wait for Saw 32!!!

"My name is Jigsaw. You have watched many movies before. Many of them have entertained you. This particular movie will be filled with an unnecessary combination of flashbacks and over the top gore. You will sit through this movie. You will not know why. At the end, you will be very disappointed. Despite this, there will be a Saw 4. You will probably watch that too, and again, be disappointed."

I decided to watch Saw 3 last night, and I should have known better. Basically an hour and a half of a nonsense, ridiculous plot with tons of gross you out flesh ripping. But Saw 4 is supposed to be coming out in 2007! Hopefully they make a Saw movie a year for the next 50 years! If we can promise to keep seeing them, I am sure the studio will oblige. I know what I will be doing on October 26th, 2007.

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