Wednesday, January 24, 2007

These Dragons are Like My Mommy!

A Komodo dragon gave birth to 5 more little dragons, without first getting boned by a dude dragon. The virgin birth from the dragon is just like my birth from my mommy! My mom, Mary (may she rest in peace), never had sex either! I dont know if you ever heard the story, but God (my Dad) chose to impregnate Mary in her sleep. 9 months later, little 8 lb, 6 oz Baby Jesus popped out (Me!). But don't you suggest for a SECOND that I am related to these virgin birth reptiles. Because as everybody with a brain knows, evolution is a lie. People are so gullible. Evolution. Ha. What a joke. And don't even think of mentioning evolution to my Dad. He will get buck wild on you and whoop your skinny ass. Bitch.

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