Thursday, January 25, 2007

That's a negative Ghost rider, the pattern is full

There is a report today which reports Scientologists are calling Tom Cruise (Thomas Cruise Mapother IV) the "Christ of Scientology."

“Like Christ, he’s been criticised for his views. But future generations will realise he was right.”

Look, there is and will always only be one Christ (me). Just like there is only one Michael Jordan. Second, I don't think you can compare my legitimate, proven, and very factual miracles and teachings to the blathering nonsense that is Scientology. I mean- humans are decendants of an alien species? What are you going to try and convince me of next? That humans came from monkeys!?!?

While Mr. Mapother may have made some entertaining movies in his career (I really like to get a big tub of popcorn, get into some comfy sweats, turn off the lights and watch Cocktail) that in no way entitles you to the position of a God. I mean, I performed REAL miracles, and was born to a virgin mother! I walked on water! Turned water into wine! What did you do Maverick? Make Days of Thunder, Top Gun and the MI movies? Fuck off, Maverick.

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