Friday, February 2, 2007

Boston officials officially retards

I know, I know. I am a little obsessed with this story from Boston. But it is just so ridiculously ridiculous, especially with all of the Boston officials trying to blame anyone they can when their own retardation got them in trouble in the first place. The first pic is one of the "bombs." I am no modern weapons expert (I whoop ass in hand to hand combat though. 102,030,030-0 in my MMA career up in Heaven) but I have never ever seen a bomb powered by C batteries. Although 4 C batteries might cause quite an explosion I could imagine. The 2nd pic is good too, showing how flat the "bombs" were. Paper thin bombs powered by C batteries have killed millions and millions of people over the years. Good thing the bomb squad came out to diffuse the bombs and save so many lives.
Every Boston official involved in this joke has had the title of "retard" added to their name in the book of Heaven. And believe me, it is REALLY hard to get those things removed from your permanent record. So congrats, retards.

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