Thursday, February 1, 2007

Who can we blame?! We gotta point the finger at SOMEONE!!!

Following up from yesterday's story about the Aqua Teen Hunger Force advertising signs (one is seen in the pic) bringing Boston to a standstill, 2 people have been arrested on charges of
"placing a hoax device in a way that results in panic, as well as one count of disorderly conduct"
Are these even real charges, or did Boston make these up yesterday? How about arresting some Boston officials for "severe and negligent overreaction," "obscene parananoia," and "general stupidity." I would expect a lawsuit is in the works as well, as Americans sure love 'em some suin!

"Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis called it "unconscionable" that the marketing campaign was executed in a post 9/11 era. "It's a foolish prank on the part of Turner Broadcasting," he said. "In the environment nowadays ... we really have to look at the motivation of the company here and why this happened."

Seriously! Americans should not be able to laugh, joke, yell, or smile, as this could lead to severe panic. After 9/11, jokes stopped being funny. Its a fact. Stay inside your houses, and watch the news for updates. Fortunately, the panic level in Boston dropped from a high of "AAAAAHHHHH, THE WORLD IS ENDING!!! WE ARE BEING ATTACKED!!! NOW!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH" yesterday to a level of only "I think that dog is a terrorist! That poop could be a bomb!" today.

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